
Price Your Animals Right!

by Molly Clubb | Jan 12, 2011

As part of our New Year commitment to helping you market your Longhorns through your website we will be posting Marketing advice every Wednesday. Today’s advice is part of a series we’ll be running by Bear Davidson of G&G Texas Longhorns (

*Please note that the opinions expressed in this entry are those of its writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hired Hand Software

BEAR'S TIP #1: Price your animals right!

One of the most important tips I can share is pricing your cattle right for the people looking at your site. 

Here’s what I mean when I say price them right: Say you have a full sister to “Blah Blah” who sold for $15,000 at a sale you once saw.  Does that mean your cow is worth $15,000? $10,000? No.  Does that mean “Blah Blah” is worth that much when she sold? No.  I see this all the time.  There are times when your full sister is worth more then the animal that sold in the sale but more times then not so many people price their animals too high in hopes that someone will come along and buy it.

One of the values of a website is you can get massive amounts of hits on your animals in return for a very small amount of time spent with each individual person. 

Price these animals to move. You will build up a name for yourself and a loyal customer base.  Price them so the person who buys them can make some money.  If they do, they’ll be happy and come back and buy some more.  Put these prices on the website so they can see them too. 

On many occasions when I speak with fellow breeders about adding value to their site they say they don’t want to put prices up so everyone can see them.  They do this because they want to talk to them in person. “Feel them out” so they say.  In my opinion, you’re shooting yourself in the foot because people are smart and know that’s what you’re doing.  People will leave your site for someone else’s for the simple reason that you don’t have prices up.  Take time, think about the value of the animal and what it’s worth for you to sell, and post it.

For assistance on how to access the Sales Price or Pay Pal features on your Hired Hand Website feel free to contact Molly or Jaymie today.

Bear Davidson

Ranch Manager, G&G Longhorns

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