
Have you tried Hired Hand SEARCH yet?

by Molly Clubb | May 12, 2014
Hired Hand's newest product, Hired Hand Search, has been live for about two weeks now. It's generated some impressive traffic and we're excited to continue tracking it and its trends.

Have you had a chance to check it out yet?

If not, you're missing the ability to search for Longhorns, Whitetail Deer and Quarter Horses by Name, Sire, Dam, Sale Price, For Sale Status, Measurement, Age and Sex.  When searching by Measurement, Age and Sales Price you can set parameters for the values you're wishing to search between. You can make the search as broad or as specific as you'd like.

Our goal in creating Hired Hand Search was two-fold.

First, we wanted to create a site that would increase traffic to our customers websites. Through Hired Hand Search any animal that is found and clicked upon results in immediate and direct traffic to the owners' Hired Hand powered website. Hired Hand Search is another benefit to being a Hired Hand customer and is being offered at no additional charge to our customers on any package with animal management/marketing (Buckaroo and Wrangler). Additionally, customers who update their sale prices, measurements, etc. often hold a supreme advantage to gaining more traffic due to their animals showing up in the more refined searches - the power of making the most of this free tool is in your hands!

Second, we wanted an easy way for potential new breeders and existing breeders to easily find specific Longhorns they are in search of. Hired Hand Search differs from search engines due to its ability to comb every Active Animal on Hired Hand Websites and query those results. This is a great tool for searching for specific animal bloodlines; animals in a specific state; animals within a certain measurement or price range; versus a general search such as "Whitetails for Sale" or "Texas Longhorns." Because Hired Hand Search only pulls Active Animals we encourage customers to review their Active Animal list to ensure that they are at their maximum number of animals to promote - this increases your chances of having more animals display in the search results and draw more traffic to your website.

Advertising is available on Hired Hand Search as well. If you're interested please contact Molly or Jaymie today.

We encourage you to comment, email, text, call or use social media to give us your feedback about Hired Hand Search. We hope it becomes a helpful tool for you!

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