
Pleasant Hill Longhorns, NBP Longhorns and Circle K Longhorns

by Laura Huff | Jan 07, 2016
Below you will find three of our latest Longhorn websites to go live! Each has a different style and all have pedigree connections Hired Hand is known for. Read up on your fellow breeders and be sure to visit the links!

Pleasant Hill Longhorns
Dylan Pfizenmaier - Green, Kansas
Design Package: Template
Functionality Package: Buckaroo

Pleasant Hill Longhorns Bull

Pleasant Hill Longhorns began in 2009 with one cow and calf. In the 7 years since, Dylan Pfizenmaier has continue to grow his herd to now include more than 20 breeding age cows and heifers. 

Pleasant Hill Longhorns - home

He enjoys visiting new places and meeting new people when traveling with his Longhorns.

Pleasant Hill Longhorn - Animal

Visit the Pleasant Hill Longhorns website to see more of this Kansas herd!

NBP Longhorns
Steve Fox - Fort Worth, Texas
Design Package: Template
Functionality Package: Wrangler

NBP Longhorns ranch

Longhorns were first seen in Steve Fox’s pastures for financial reasons. What was to be just a few has turned into the herd that is NBP Longhorns today.

NBP Longhorns - Cows

In the year to come, Steve is looking forward to seeing what his two young bulls will produce. One is a Drag Iron son and the other is a Cowboy Tuff Chex son.

NBP Longhorns - Animals

Visit the NBP Longhorns website to watch for those new calves!

Circle K Ranch
Brett & Teresa Krause - Thrall, Texas
Design Package: Template
Functionality Package: Buckaroo
Circle K Ranch

The Krauses started their Longhorn program when they moved into the country during 2012 with three steers. The first auction they attended added a few more, and the rest is history!

Circle K Ranch - cows

Circle K Ranch has been a huge learning experience for Brett and Teresa. In just four years, they have been through flooding, fire and drought with their program.

Circle K Ranch - heifer

As they work to breed correct, beautiful Longhorns with gentle dispositions, be sure to visit their website to see all of the Circle K Ranch herd.

As we begin 2016, we look forward to launching many more Longhorn, Whitetail and Quarter Horse websites. Contact us for more information on getting one of your own.

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